Your Saturn Return
Saturn is a planet in the Solar System that represents structure and responsibility. It completes its orbit around the Sun every 28–29 years. After Saturn moves through all twelve houses in our Astrology Chart, we have a Saturn Return. When it happens around ages 28, 29, or 30, we transition from young adulthood to middle adulthood when we are at the top of our game. The Second Saturn Return at 58, 59, or 60 is a more difficult transition as we move into our sunset years.
The First Saturn Return at Age 28-30
If you were born in 1991, 1992, or 1993 or are 28, 29, or 30, you are having your 1st Saturn Return. You may be experiencing more stress, roadblocks, confusion, and depression than usual. This is a period in your life when you are faced with changes in your relationships, career, life goals, education, and money priorities. Brenda will give you support and guidance in these areas and will let you know when this period is over. She will tell you when you enter the most productive period. Click to the right for more information.

The Second Saturn Return at Age 58-60
If you were born in 1962, 1963, or 1964, or you are 58, 59, or 60, you are having your 2nd Saturn return. This is a period in your life when you may be thinking about retiring, feeling physical limitations, and wanting to sell your home and downsize. Many of you may be drawn to cities with a warmer climate that caters to people at retirement age. It is a period when you realize that you no longer need to support your children, and you focus more on your own life and needs. Click to the right for more information.
Saturn Opposition
As Baby Boomers, we reach our third Saturn opposition around the age of 72 or 73. At this time we address issues that have not been resolved since our Second Saturn Return at age 57 or 58. We need to look at choices made around 14 years ago about health, finances, family, spirituality and more. Are these choices just as valid as they were at our second Saturn return? Most likely not. This is a time of reevaluating these issues, letting go of what no longer works and preparing ourselves for the next phase of aging.